About Us

Dream. Create. Sweet. Happiness.

Founded by a mother and daughter our mission is to feed people sweet happiness through desserts, content, and education.
Our vision is to serve everyone by creating gluten free, vegan, sugar free and traditional options.

The Caterpillar

We started Dreamy Creations in 2008 out of necessity after a tragedy affected our family. Like a caterpillar we were a new born in the world of food and business. Our family came together every day creating sweets from our hearts to serve people while renting a small kitchen by night and selling at local farmers markets early mornings.
We made pies, cookies , cakes, pastries and more. Crystal (mother) loved baking because it made people feel good they felt the love. "Its like giving someone a hug through a cookie." But for Jen (daughter) something was missing...
Transformations take many different forms and are so unique. A caterpillar goes through four stages to grow into a butterfly. Each stage has a different goal. For instance caterpillars (like small businesses and people) need to eat a lot to grow.
We applied for a show on Food Network called " Cupcake Wars " in 2011. In 2012 we transformed our company into a cupcake only bakery following our two wins from the show. "Many caterpillars will spend less than a week undergoing metamorphosis but most will emerge with in about three weeks. Some butterflies may wait as long as three years to emerge depending on their environment around them." Through community programs we received support and guidance to continue our transformation. It was at this time we vowed to always give back as we have been given to.

 Transforms into

We cultivated a home and a foundation for a quality product, a team who loves what they do, and a environment for us to all thrive. As part of our foundation we were inspired to go mobile allowing us to feed people near and far.
It's our hope by creating pure delicious products that we will bring happiness into your home and as well as your neighbors.

 A Butterfly

Our logo “a butterfly” stands for a powerful transformation & endurance. The butterfly communicates our message still as a company today since we are committed to the constant growth and change for the highest good of all.

 Rainbows & Butterfly's

Rainbows require every single color to be present to experience its true beauty. What would it be with out Red? Yellow? Green? We believe the same stands for the world we live in. Our rainbow branding focuses on the importance of diversity, inclusion and equality for all. Our Dream is to create a rainbow kind of world with color, love and beauty for everyone to enjoy and with your help we will.


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